Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens Association of our Parish is in existence for the past 5 years and is affiliated to BASCA, the Bombay Archdiocese Senior Citizens Association. There are over 2700 Sr. Citizens in our Parish. The Managing Committee of the Association comprises of 14 members, 2 from each of the 7 Zones in our Parish. These were elected in 2014 by Sr. Citizen Representatives nominated by Parish Councillors. The Core team comprises of a President, Anthony Alvares, Vice President, Llewellyn Ferreira, Secretary, Patsy Cordeiro and Treasurer, Cyril Alvares. The managing committee meets every last Thursday of the month and discusses programmes to be conducted for the benefit of Sr. Citizens. We do not have registered membership of Seniors in the association and therefore depend on Church Announcements to advertise our programmes.
So far we have conducted a number of programmes, including talks by professionals on How to make a Will, Reverse Mortgage, talks on Spiritual Matters, picnics, get-togethers, whist drives etc.
We invite more senior citizens to join in the activities organized by BASCA for the welfare of our parish.
Priest-in-Charge : Fr. Harold Vaz
Lay Co-ordinator : Anthony Alvares