Parish Liturgical Team
The Parish Liturgical Team is a dedicated team of 24 members,who are divided into 4 groups. Each group has 5 or 6 members who plan and prepare the liturgy for Sundays/Feast days of the Year, as per the Ordo, on a rotation basis.
The Members are Representatives/Lay Heads of each Ministry : Ushers, Lectors, Choirs, Altar servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Art Cell, and Zonal Representatives. It prescribes guidelines and co-ordinates with the different ministries connected with liturgy. The team meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month in the Upper Room.
Priest-in-Charge : Fr. Reuben Tellis
Lay Co-ordinator : May D'souza
The different ministries associated with the Parish Liturgical Team are as under :
The ushers in our parish are volunteers who ensure that there is order and decorum at every liturgical service held in the church.They see that those participating in a liturgical service are made to feel relaxed and comfortable. These volunteers not only render their services at mass inside the church but also at Lenten and Christmas outdoor services, where they are in charge of different blocks of seats, assisting people to vacant seats, distributing leaflets and gently guiding the faithful during the distribution of the Holy Eucharist.They also help at various church functions like Christ the King procession, etc. Other organizations also request the Ushers assistance for their functions or services.
Priest-in-Charge : Fr. Reuben Tellis
Lay Co-ordinator : Derrick Lopez
The Altar servers is a group of vibrant, enthusiastic young boys and girls. Their service is unique and special during the Eucharist as well as other Liturgical and Para liturgical celebrations. They meet every Sunday afternoon to pray, to have group interaction, grow in faith, receive instructions and their weekly appointments, and know their faith. This year they enlightened the minds and hearts of our Parishioners through a Gospel Musical of song and dance.
Priest-in-Charge : Fr. Sunil D'souza OP
Lay Co-ordinator : Alex Fernandes
· Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist to the faithful during the sacrifice of the Mass and also take the Eucharist to the sick, the aged and homebound.
Priest-in-Charge : Fr. Sunil D'souza OP
Lay Co-ordinator : Gregory Periera
Choirs Our Parish has different Choirs at every Mass. We have 8 English choirs singing for all Masses on Saturdays and Sundays 1 Konkani Choir and 1 Tamil Choir, thereby enhancing the Liturgy. The Choirs are committed and dedicated, effectively proficient in leading the congregation in common hymns and are chosen by rotation at Holy Week Services, Christmas Mass and at important Parish Celebrations. At funerals, anniversaries and jubilees, the Choirs have made the liturgical services more meaningful.
Priest-in-Charge : Fr. Cedric Rosario
Lay Co-ordinator : Helga Fernandes
Saturday Evening Mass Choirs are as follows:
· 5.30 p.m. Coordinator - Helga
· 7.00 p.m. coordinator - Desiree/ Jonathan
Sunday Mass Choirs are as follows:
· 6.00 a.m. Coordinator - Savina/ Pauline
· 7.00 a.m. Konkani - Coodinator - Reema/ Ravina
· 8.00 a.m. Coordinator - Domnica
· 9.30 a.m. Tamil : Coodinator - Charles
· 10.30 a.m. (Children's Mass) Coordinator - Sheetal Pinto
· 5.15 p.m. Coordinator -Royce Fernandes
· 6.30 p.m. Coordinator - Fleurbel Rodrigues
· 7.30 p.m. Coordinator - Roystan Fernandes
Presently our Parish has 85 Lectors who proclaim the word of God at Mass. Lectors are made aware that they communicate the meaning of the Sacred Scripture, while proclaiming the Word of God through on-going training programs and various input sessions.
Priest-in-Charge : Fr. Reuben Tellis
Lay Co-ordinator : Caroline Fernandes