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Bombay Catholic Sabha
The aims and objectives of the Bombay Catholic Sabha are primarily to promote the social, economic, political, cultural, educational and general welfare of Catholics in particular and Christians in general.
Bombay Catholic Sabha(Orlem) has taken care of grievances of socially backward people regarding redevelopment of residential areas,removal of dust bins from Cardinal Gracious Ground and also within the vicinity of Orlem it has arranged a medical camp for the community against water-borne diseases with the help of Mumbai Municipal Corporation.
Minority Scholarship, scholarship for economically weaker sections, civic matters and control of traffic, Christian cemetery cleanliness and installing cooler are some of the other activities. Parish Directory, interaction with police and the public, development of gardens within the area, keeping of blood donor’s data are some of the activities in Sabha’s pipeline. Organising seminars to mould and motivate the youth as future leaders is also one of the major options that the Sabha is anticipating in the future.
A helping desk is open for 3 days in a week, i.e. Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to assist the community in obtaining Senior Citizen cards, Pan Cards etc. Attestation of documents, helping in Housing society and civil matters are also taken care of.
Priest-in-Charge: Fr. Cedric Rosario
Lay Co-ordinator: Mr. Anthony Rodrigues
Website :
Chairman : Mr. Anthony Rodrigues
Secretary : Mr. Andrew Fernandes
Treasurer : Mr. Geraldus D'souza
Vice-Chairperson(s) : Mr. Leon Gomes & Mr. Lloyd Mascarenhas
Joint-Secretary : Mr. Allan D'mello
Joint-Treasurer : Mr. Randolph Dias
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