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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist to the faithful during the Mass and also take the Eucharist to the sick, the aged and homebound.
God has blessed our parish with 74 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. They serve as Ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) by taking the Body of our Lord to the sick every Weekend. They are instruments of evangelization by their actions of love, kindness, and Service to the sick.
Criteria to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion:
He/She should be a Catholic living in harmony with the teachings of the Church
He/She should be able to receive the Eucharist.
He/She should be of sufficient age and maturity to perform the duties
He/She should be compassionate, empathetic, ready to reach out to the sick and home-bound.
He/she should be committed to distribute Holy Communion in the Church.
How to Register:
Fill out a form available in the parish office and drop it in the box kept in the Parish Office. The form is collected and handed over to the concerned Zonal coordinator, who in turn appoints the EMHC to take Holy Communion to the sick.
Priest In-charge: Fr. Cedric Rosario
Lay Co-ordinator: Merwyn Mascarenhas
Assistant Main Co-ordinators: Stanley Mendes and Faye Pinto
Zonal Co-ordinators:
Baudi -Salome Dsouza, Merwyn Mascarenhas
Somwar Bazaar - Tara Pinto, Sharel Lobo
JBC - Theresa Carrasco, Stanley Mendes
Tank Colony - Gregory Pereira, Faye Pinto, Deborah Herbert
Lourdes Colony - Randolph Dias, Jude D'silva
Mithchowki - Letitia Goveas, Avril Sampey
Evershine Nagar - Maxwell Murzello, Santana Coutinho
Tamil -
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