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Parish Pastoral Council
The Vatican II's Decree on the Laity recommended councils, at the parish level, to support the church's apostolate. Other Vatican documents have consistently described the pastoral council in terms of a threefold task ie investigating, reflecting, and recommending.
The council is primarily charged to assist in the development mission. It attempts to place at the heart of the parish a consciousness of a zeal for the mission of Jesus Christ fulfilling the vision the parish has set.
The objectives of the Council are to assess adequately the needs of the whole parish and it members and to develop and implement a pastoral plan which will promote the common good of the parish. To foster unity and a sense of community in the parish and to coordinate all parish activities in a manner that will best serve the interests of the parish. To promote programs and activities in the parish as recommended by the Bishop or diocesan offices.
To undertake this task our parish council is a team of 51 Parish Councilors and a team of nominated parish association heads. The team meets every first Sunday of the month to discuss an agenda prepared, that comprises of the feedback received from the parish councilors and the parish community.
President: Fr. Reuben Tellis (Parish Priest)
Priest-in-Charge: Fr. Reuben Tellis, Fr. Harold Vaz, Fr. Peter Shanel CPPS, Fr. Cedric Rosario, Fr. Michael Martires, Fr. Sunil D'souza OP, Fr. Arun Philip Simon SJ, Sr. Dhyani Grace
Vice - President: Belinda Monteiro
Secretary: Julie Chetty Joint Secretary: Diana Gomes
SCC Co-ordinator: Michelle Pinto
Nominated From PPC: N/A
PYC - Youth Representative: N/A
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