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Orlem Church Associations

Alcoholic Anonymous

Do away with  alcohol addiction.

Altar Servers

Offer unique and special service during the Eucharist as well as other Liturgical and Para liturgical celebrations.

Bible Cell

To Share the Good News of Jesus

Bombay Catholic Sabha

Primarily to promote the social, economic, political, cultural, educational and general welfare of Catholics in particular and Christians in general.

Catholic Charismatic Renewal

Help us grow in Christ and strengthen our faith

Centre of Community Organisation (CCO) – Prayatna

Empower women and children of the marginalized sections of the society through formal and non-formal education leading to holistic growth and development.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Designate lay men and women to distribute the Eucharist as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

Family Cell

Focus on the needs of the families in the parish with regard to social, cultural and spiritual requirements.

Hope and Life Movement

The Hope and Life Association has been created with a view to help widows accept widowhood as a vocation; to help widows gain emotional stability; to encourage widows to be prayerful, joyful and helpful.

Legion of Mary

The essential aim of the Legion of Mary is the sanctification of its members through prayer, the sacraments and devotion to Mary and the Trinity, and of the whole world through the apostolate of the Legion.

Lourdes Communication Cell/ Media Cell

Aim of the Communication Cells is to integrate and communicate the various activities being undertaken by the different associations.

Lourdes Sports Committee

To use Sports as a medium of building communities in the Parish, to identify nurture and mentor talent at grassroots levels, to elevate the level of sports through constructive camps and competitive tournaments and to make Orlem Parish a breeding ground for young sports achievers of tomorrow.

Parish Library

Instilling the love for reading in the children of Our Lady of Lourdes' Church, Orlem.

Parish Liturgical Team

Plan and prepare the liturgy for Sundays/Feast days of the Year and help during mass.

Parish Pastoral Council

Assist in the development mission, attempting  to place at the heart of the parish a consciousness of a zeal for the mission of Jesus Christ.

Parish Youth Council

Fellowship, Formation and Service

Saint Vincent De Paul (SVP)

The mission of the Society is to bear witness to Christ by deepening the faith of its members and to serve the poor in order to uplift them from their miseries.

Senior Citizens

Organize programmes to be conducted for the benefit of Sr. Citizens.

Sodality of The Immaculate Conception

Regularly pray for the sick, the dead and for the intentions of those present, also visit the sick and house bound.

Sunday School

Help children and community learn and grow in Christ

Tamil Sunday School.

Teach the word of God

Women's Cell

Offer help ,counsel and empower women in need.

Young Adults Association (YAA)

Targeting unmarried working youth up to the age of 40, with a goal promoting fellowship, formation and service.

Parish Office Timings

Monday to Friday:

9:30am - 12:30pm, 4:30pm - 7:30pm


9:30am - 12:30pm, 4:30pm - 6:30pm

​Closed on Sundays

Contact Details

Social Media

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Youtube

Created by the Media Cell​


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